Jungbecker / Standard LGP

Jungbecker Standard LGP
Light Guiding Prismatic Plate
The LGP decouples light which is fed into the sheet from the sides across the surface area by the integrated prismatic optics. The optical structure is not acting as a diffusor but uses reflection and refraction of the microprisms. The direct portion of the light is usually also de-glared.
Key features
Ultra-thin fixture profiles
Transparent look when not lit
Peripheral edge coating, specular or diffusive coatings available
Ultra-thin fixture profiles
Transparent look when not lit
Peripheral edge coating, specular or diffusive coatings available
Key features

Microstructures extract light via refraction and total internal reflection efficiencies up to 93 %

LGP decouples light fed in from the edge, uniformly and directed across the wide surface area.
About 40 % of light indirectly in a batwing / about 60 % downlight, de-glared
About 40 % of light indirectly in a batwing / about 60 % downlight, de-glared