Services / Optical Injection Moulding
Optical injection moulding technology
Polymer-based optical components
• Spheric, aspheric and free-form surfaces
• Thick walled, large-scaled lenses with efficient production
• Thick walled, large-scaled lenses with efficient production
Manufacturing processes
• Moulding machines, closing forces from 25t to 500t
• 2-component injection moulding
• Variothermic moulding
• Multi shot technology
• Over-moulding of mechanical accessories and electronics
• Automated and integrated handling, robot loading, material supply etc.
• In process measurement and quality supervision
• 2-component injection moulding
• Variothermic moulding
• Multi shot technology
• Over-moulding of mechanical accessories and electronics
• Automated and integrated handling, robot loading, material supply etc.
• In process measurement and quality supervision